Cops watching Hindraf

The Star

The police cyber crimes division is keeping an eye on Hindraf supporters and their activities.

Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Fu Ah Kiow, however, assured Malaysians need not feel intimidated if their action was within the confines of the country’s law.

He was commenting on the detention of five Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders under the Internal Security Act (ISA) last week.

On Thursday, lawyers P. Uthayakumar, R. Kenghadharan, M. Manoharan, V. Ganabathirau and Hindraf co-ordinator T. Vasanthakumar were detained under the ISA and slapped with a two-year detention.

Fu said the detention order was enforced as a last resort as police intelligence revealed that Hindraf had made attempts to contact militant groups overseas.

He said due to their action of “going overboard” to seek support, the Government was forced to invoke the ISA.

“We hope there will not be another round of detention,” he said,

Fu said the Government would not have invoked the ISA if the peace, security and harmony of the people were not at risk.

“Even political leaders from the Opposition who hit out at the Government were not held under the ISA.

“But the action by Hindraf leaders and their seditious remarks and allegations must be stopped to prevent the situation from getting out of hand,” he said.

He said the immediate family members of the detainees would be given access to check on their well-being.

He said they would, however, have to apply and inform the commandant of the Kamunting detention centre prior to their visit.
