Hindraf leaders file for habeas corpus

New Straits Times

Habeas corpus applications for four of the five Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders detained under the Internal Security Act are due to be entered tomorrow.

Counsel A. Sivanesan said the applications would be filed at the Ipoh High Court for the four, lawyers P. Uthayakumar, 46, R. Kengadharan, 40, V. Ganabatirau, 34, and senior executive K. Vasantha Kumar, 34.

The other Hindraf detainee, M. Manoharan, 46, had his habeas corpus application filed on Friday by counsel Karpal Singh on behalf of his (Manoharan's) wife, S. Puspaneela, 47, at the Ipoh High Court with a mention date also for tomorrow.

Sivanesan is also one of the four lawyers representing Pushpaneela in Manoharan's application.

They contend that the detention order was issued without the usual procedure of requiring the police to detain a person for 60 days to investigate and make recommendations.
