‘De-citizenise’ the HINDRAF leaders, is constitutional

The withdrawal of the charge ‘attempting murder of a policeman in duty’ against the “HINDRAF 31”, which lead to the acquittal of these 31 suspects on Monday, 17 December 2007 at the Shah Alam Sessions Court was really shameful and disgrace to the Attorney General’s Chambers.

This decision was made almost immediately after 13 ethnic Indian NGOs and defacto Indian community leader and MIC President Dato’ Seri S. Samy Vellu met the ‘Flip-Flop’ Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi late last week.

Some people actually thought the charge of ‘attempting murder on a policeman’ was overkill, despite a life of a policeman on duty, to maintain order and public safety was grievously threatened by a mob of 31 people. Enough to allow some really opportunistically-bankrup-dinosaur-relic politician to demand that the Attorney General to apologise to the ‘HINDRAF 31’, despite that they were initially denied bail for the severity of the charge then ‘conveniently’ let of the hook with lightning speed because the ‘Flip-Flop’ Prime Minister ‘compassionately’ intervened into the legal process. This arrogantly ungrateful call shoul be seen as ‘adding insult to injury’.

