Chong must accept action if warranted: Kudat Umno

Daily Express

Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat's action in appointing Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) liaison head, Ansari Abdullah as his lawyer, reflects insensitivity towards the Barisan Nasional struggle.

Kudat Umno Youth Chief, Haji Gurahman Hj Lolong, said he was disappointed with the attitude taken by the Kudat BN Chairman in justifying hiring someone from the opposition as his counsel in the case against the Kudat Town Board and Central Town and Country Planning Board.

He also said Chong's response to Umno Youth Secretary Datuk Rahman Dahlan's statement on the case was childish and surprising for someone who had been in politics for almost three decades.

"I always had high regard for him. As Kudat BN Chairman, he always reminded us that the party struggle must come before self, especially during the last election. It seems he does not practice what the preaches," he said in a statement.

Haji Gurahman said while Chong has every right to hire whoever as his lawyer, he should consider the political implications of his choice as well as the timing of his appeal.

"What kind of signal is he sending? Does it look like he is putting the party struggle first?"

He also said Chong's statement that "Umno wanted to have a finger in every pie" was out of line and accusing in tone.

Haji Gurahman said he remembered supporting Chong wholeheartedly in the last general election because of his stand that the party must come first.

"Even though Tanjong Kapor is a predominantly Muslim Bumiputera and non-Muslim Bumiputera area, we in Umno, agreed and fully supported him as the BN candidate. We even agreed and fully supported him on becoming Chief Minister at that time. Would he have been a Chief Minister if Umno wanted the pie for themselves."

"We know whoever he hires as his lawyer is his business.

However, when his actions appear to go against the BN code of ethics, as member of the BN and in spirit of putting the party first before self, it becomes our (Umno Youth) business."

Haji Gurahman said as a man who claimed he resigned as Deputy Chief Minister because of principles, he believed Chong would accept any action by the party if he was deemed to have breached party ethics.
