Incompetence breeds incompetents

By Dzul Bahrin Asmawi
The knowledge empowered citizen @

I would like to refer to the comments made by Kamal Khalid, Head, Communications Unit, Office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur on “Why Kuala Lumpur Used the Internal Security Act” that was published in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EUROPE on December 19, 2007

I would like to suggest that we focus on the Government's incompetence rather than their right to implement ISA, OSA, demonize demonstrations etc. etc. They will justify themselves by giving all sorts of rational and examples which make them look good and responsible.
Now, let us expose their incompetence (a.k.a. pekung) one by one and and I believe it will be just a matter of time, just like “pekung’, they will inadvertently expose themselves e.g. Zainuddin Maidin very public comment on Bersih rally.
Another excellent example of the BN pekung is the information below:

Sekiranya tidak ada dalam pengetahuan YAB Perdana Menteri, BERSIH ingin mengingatkan bahawa Negara ini telah mengalami 40 kali pindaan perlembagaan berbentuk ‘multiple amendments’ dan tak kurang dari 650 ‘single amendment’. Negara jiran Singapura yang kurang lebih mempunyai sejarah latar seperti kita hanya meminda perlembagaan mereka sebanyak 4 kali. Negara seperti Amerika Syrarikat yang punya sejarah Negara-bangsa selama 231 tahun pun, hanya meminda perlembagaan mereka sebanyak 27 kali."
History has proven that it will be very difficult to prove somebody is corrupted but it will be very easy to prove that many are incompetents and personally, I have discovered (as a case study) that incompetence leads to many things including corruption, civil unrest and an eventual negative cycle of self destruction.
Three elements determine a successful organization (and nation, of course); problem solving, conflict management and decision making. Sadly, BN (in a small way, the Opposition too) has failed miserably in these 3 areas which ultimately causing all these miseries (high unemployment rate, rising inflations, influx of cheap immigrants labour, low national productivity, high crime rate etc, etc)  faced by the ordinary rakyat.
Before you all shoot me, yeah, I may sound a bit frustrated and fed up but I shall NEVER give up.
Keep up the good work, Bersih.
I believe, the Rakyat has found a common objective to fight for their rights as charmingly summarized  by one of CTT’s Shadow Government participants on 15 December 2007 “During the meeting, all 16 of us (including Jonathan) had something in common, we want change, and willing to work for change. And I felt that I can learn a lot from them. The states of our society had reached a point where we don't have the luxury to wait for the others to fight for what we want. We must fight for ourselves.”
Here is to “Change Management” and we can start referring all these MPs and State Representatives as “Yang Berkhidmat” rather than “Yang Berhormat”
Thank you.
