It wasn’t justice, it was trampling upon justice

Aliran welcomes the dropping of charges of attempted murder against the 31 Malaysians who were implicated by the police without any incriminating evidence.

It was the only decent thing to do when their case was so flimsy and without merit. Under the circumstance the police were in no position to proceed with the case. 


When the case did not proceed yesterday, it has nothing to do with compassion or justice. It is simple as that.   


Any claim that that “the prosecution showed its softer side yesterday when it dropped the attempted murder charges against 31 people for hurting a policeman” (NST 18-12-07) is nothing but absolute nonsense and has nothing to do with the truth of the matter. 


The Attorney-General’s statement, “We cannot pinpoint who exactly did it or rather who was the one who ‘threw the brick’ at the person who was badly injured” is ludicrous. The wisdom shown by the AG comes too late in the day and begs the question, “Wasn’t that pretty obvious from day one?” Why did you then charge them, Mr AG?  


How could he have in all good conscience charged 31 Malaysians at random without being specific about their culpability in the crime?  How could he have even thought of charging them?   


He sounds hollow when stating, “When we exercise the law, we have to look at it fairly.” What law did he look at and how did he exercise that law in charging them? Malaysians need a clear and concise explanation to justify his action. 


Didn’t he in spite of the defects in the ‘attempted murder charges’ appear in person to oppose bail so that they could be locked up unjustly. The ‘charges’ were so serious that he had to come before a junior judge to impose his presence to obtain the judgment that he was pushing for. He did all this apparently knowing full well that he was walking on thin ice. 


As far as ordinary Malaysians are concerned he  had wilfully discarded the law and frivolously charged them when there was no case to answer.  In doing so he had so heartlessly robbed them of their freedom and wantonly denied them of their human rights.  


It has not even been established in absolute terms  whether all of them were there to participate in the Hindraf assembly. We understand that  November 25 being a festive, religious occasion there were devotees amongst them in the precincts of the temple who had either come to offer their prayers or to spend their night in observance  of the religious festival.   


Who could forget the hysterical screams of an agonising mother on the day her son was charged and denied bail. She kept screaming that her son was not with Hindraf and that he had only come to pray. But the pleas of a helpless mother was completely ignored by an uncaring state that was adamant in going ahead with the case right or wrong.  


We are reminded of the famous line inShakespeare’s  Measure for Measure: “O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.” 


That’s what you have done , Mr AG. There was no semblance of justice or fairness in what you did and how you did it.  


P Ramakrishnan
