Johari: Don’t misread decision to drop charge

NST – Wednesday, 19/12/2007

PUTRAJAYA: The decision to drop attempted murder charges against the "Hindraf 31" should not be misread as a sign that the authorities had gone soft on lawbreakers, especially those who threatened national security.

Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Mohd Johari Baharum said there would be no compromise in the actions taken against those who threatened national security or tried to create problems and disrupt the harmony.

“By dropping the attempted murder charges against the 31 people, it does not mean that troublemakers will be let off the hook.

“We will be firm on this matter and ensure there are no threats to our national security,” he said.

Johari also urged those bent on threatening national security to think of the repercussions of their action.

“Let this be a lesson for all that for every negative action there will be consequences and a price to pay.”

Johari was commenting on the prosecution’s decision to drop the attempted murder charges against 31 people for hurting a policeman during an illegal assembly organised by the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf).

They had initially been charged with committing the offence against policeman Dedi Abd Rani in front of the Sri Subramaniam temple in Jalan Besar, Batu Caves, between 1am and 8am on Nov 25.

On Monday, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail dropped all charges against five of them who were university students. However, 26 of them still had to answer to charges of illegal assembly and causing mischief.

Twenty-five of them later pleaded guilty to the charges.

They face up to five years in jail and fine for causing mischief and a fine of a maximum of RM10,000 and up to 12 months in jail for illegal assembly.

Sentencing will be on Dec 27.

The 26th man, G. Suman, 20, is facing the attempted murder charge at the Shah Alam Sessions Court and will answer the charge of illegal assembly at the Selayang Sessions Court.
