The Spring Of Democracy

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has finally followed the public opinion to hold a dialogue with the Indian community. There was no mass anti-Chinese and Indians demonstrations by Malays on 16 Dec as rumoured.

The prime minister promised to be fair to all ethnic groups during the dialogue. He also called upon the people not to spread hate mail that would stir racial anger and unease. Hopefully the prime minister's declarations would ease the tension and bring the situation to a more positive direction.

In the past two weeks, some people who wished to worsen the situation came out with their statements that only made matters worse. These people constantly claimed that there is a limit for tolerance, if they are repeatedly challenged and insulted, they would not tolerate it any more. Undoubtedly such remarks only added to more hatred and worsening the situation. The public is also afflicted with more anxiety and fear.

If the allegations of ethnic cleansing raised by HINDRAF had forced the government to take coercive actions against them, then the government should also take action against others who had also contributed to the prevailing tension.

Our country needs dialogue instead of confrontation. The people is hoping for a reform, not a revolution. We reject instigation by any party because this would only worsen the situation and stir greater hatred, with disastrous consequences.

Democracy involves liberty, equality, tolerance and the rule of law. We still have much to learn and many obstacles to remove along the journey to democracy. We are looking forward to a new spring for democracy. (By LIM MUN FAH/ Sin Chew Daily)
