Trust is dead – but miracle is still as alive as hope itself …

This experiment in government we like to call democracy – which has lasted for half a century now – depends upon, among other things, a certain level of trust, not only of the government and its elected officials, but maybe more importantly among the people themselves.

After that many years trust has been under attack in our society, we can today confidently declare that it is definitely dead.

Sometimes it takes much more that a casual look at the state of our society in order to understand that there is something really wrong with it. A time like this – this season of blessings, compassion and goodwill – it is perhaps a good time to take a really profound and perceptive look at our society, to go beyond just its crass surface and glitters.

Trust was more common and easier to uphold when this nation was “founded”. With far fewer people then, it was possible to actually know those with whom you would have contact and in turn be aware of their biographies and idiosyncrasies. A liar or scoundrel was known for his work, but so is the person who lived by his word.

