When opportunity knocks, hang decency

I’ve known Mano of the Hindraf 5 fame for some time now. From what I know of the man, it is difficult to believe the justifications that are being proffered for the use of the ISA.

In fact, apart from Vasantha, all the others are known to me.

Uthayakumar and I have had our differences before on the language, tone and content of motions he has presented at numerous Bar AGMs on the Kg Medan issue.

And I have from the very outset voiced my reservations at the approach taken by Hindraf in addressing the issue of long marginalised and neglected Indians.

Yet, however disagreeable I have found the methods of the Hindraf leadership to be, I will unhesitatingly condemn the use of the ISA on the 5.

And on every other person who continues to be detained under this most oppressive law.

