MIC Youth To Go On Nationwide Tour From Tomorrow

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 19 (Bernama) — MIC Youth leaders will go on a one-week nationwide tour starting tomorrow to explain to Malaysian Indians, the political situation in the country and issues affecting the community lately.

Its chief S.A. Vigneswaran said the MIC Youth committee which had its meeting here today, decided that the explanation must begin immediately to inform the community what the government and the MIC were doing to address problems faced by the community.

"Although we know that Indians have supported the Barisan Nasional (BN) government since independence, we are not taking things for granted, especially the recent move by the opposition to use certain groups to create instability in the country.

"We in the MIC do not want Indians to cast protest votes in the coming general election. We want the community to continue to support the BN. We will also tell them how the goverment and the MIC have contributed to the well-being of Indians as a whole," he told Bernama when contacted.

He said the tour would also address the issues of "disgruntled MIC members" who were not happy with the government and the party.

He said the MIC Youth would also print pamphlets to be distributed at the briefings.

"It is a proven method of getting our side of the story across. We do not want the community to think that we have not and are not doing anything for the Indians as claimed by some groups," said Vigneswaran, who is also Youth and Sports Ministry Parliamentary Secretary.

He said the tour was under the directive of MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu and on the advice of BN Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

Asked why this tour was not organised earlier, he said: "We wanted the dust to settle down and we have been talking to groups of Indians in the last three weeks and now the time is right for this kind of tour.

"We have also identified some people who are using the current situation for their own political mileage… it is our duty to warn the people of the culprits," he said.
