S’kan Umno wants LDP to make a stand

Daily Express

Umno Sandakan has called on the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to make an official stand on the decision by its former president and advisor Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat to file the suit against the Kudat Town Board to turn around its revocation of the MaZu statue project approval.

Its Deputy Chief, Datuk Awang Sham Amit said grassroots in the division were equally puzzled and worried that the action by the former Deputy Chief Minister would jeorpardise the confidence of the people in the Barisan Nasional (BN), especially when election are around the corner.

Awang Sham who is also Sedcovest Holdings Sdn Bhd Chairman said even though Chong took the action in his capacity as Chairman of the Thean Hou Foundation that was building the MaZu statue, being the former President of LDP it would not avoid people from making it into a political issue.

"With elections just round the corner, the grassroots in Sandakan feel his action will jeorpardise the people's confidence in the Barisan Nasional," he said, Wednesday.

Towards this end, Awang Sham said the present LDP leadership, in particular its President Datuk V.K Liew, must make an official stand on the issue.

"We want to hear something concrete from LDP because other than its Youth chief, none of the other party leaders have made a statement. We urge V.K Liew to do so in order that the people will not be confused," he said.

He said the division was also puzzled with Chong's move to proceed with the suit against the Kudat Town Board despite earlier announcing to have met with the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister on the issue.

"Filing the suit against the Kudat Town Board means you are suing the State Government, which is headed by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman," he said.

"Why can't the matter be resolved amicably, instead of going out in the public by pursuing it in the court?" he asked.
