The height of bodoh-sombong

This is a Malay land and the Indians are asking for too much. We will kill them if they push us.

Dear Pete,

My sister came from England for a visit. One day, she took a cab at night to return to my place.

This what what the taxi driver told her:

This is a Malay land and the Indians are asking for too much. We will kill them if they push us.

My sis, still understands B Melayu and in her innocence told him off saying that Indians do have the right to voice their opinion in a democratic country. Any race has the right to do so.

I guess the taxi driver let her go as she has an English accent and probably thought she was not a Malaysian.

When my sister told me this, I advised her not to retaliate in any way and just be quiet. To tell you the truth, I don't think I would like to take a cab to any destination, especially at night with a Malay cabbie.

After hearing that, I need to make another trip to my kampong and educate my adopted family about what actually is going on in this country and hope news spreads from there.

These amoral top guns have, in my opinion, set the Malays against the Indians. Their next design will be to set the Chinese against the Indians. The architects behind these plot are of course those who in their excitement, behave like uncouth juveniles, even in Parliament.

If the kampong folks had access to Malaysia-Today, it will be the fall of the present ruling filthy  empire – an empire filled with desperate authoritarians who are bent on dividing the races. Heck, there will be a revolution – they will know that they have been sidelined and deprived of what they are entitled to – the benefits that went to the wealthy Malays.

It's simple. When the different races come together as one and fight for a just cause, like what BERSIH did, the plutocrats, liars and dictators get rattled.


Mohrin, I'm sorry, it was not the wife but my sis from England.
