Who are the opportunists?

The Council of Former People's Representative (Mubarak) President Tan Sri Abu Zahar Ujang described the Hindraf leaders as "opportunists and traitors to their race and country." He further added that these people were extremists and that they should rightly be detained under the ISA.

Referring to his assertion, I would like the former Mubarak to carefully reflect on past history and see who are the opportunists.

After May 1969, with the introduction of the NEP, the Malay bumiputras were the sole beneficiary of govt policies. However somewhere along the course of implementation the NEP was hijacked by the UMNO elite Malays who only seek to enrich themselves and their cronies.

Based on such factual events how could the former Mubarak President condemned the Hindraf supporters as opportunists? Rightly the real opportunists were the UMNO elite Malays.

