Cancel illegal gathering, say city police

The Star

Those taking part in today's illegal gathering to protest the Internal Security Act (ISA) should follow the example of the National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) and call it off, say police. 

The gathering organised by several NGOs is expected to begin at 8pm at Dataran Merdeka. 

City deputy police chief SAC I Patrick Jiges Sijore said NUBE had called off its second nationwide picket last week after being advised by the police. 

“They held a national picket in front of Menara Maybank in Jalan Pudu early last month but cancelled their plans to hold a second national picket after we spoke to them. 

“They agreed to co-operate in the interest of national security. This is an excellent example that others should follow,” SAC I Patrick said. 

More than 10,000 NUBE members gathered in front of Menara Maybank early last month to show their disappointment over the deadlock in their collective agreement dispute. 

SAC I Patrick said that even though police have not obtained a court order, the gathering was illegal and police would make arrests if necessary. 

Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Fu Ah Kiow said the demonstrators should already know that the gathering was illegal and that they should not go against the law. 

“It is the police’s job to ensure peace and order in the country at any time,” he said. 

Police are expected to close a few roads tomorrow, including Jalan Raja, Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Kinabalu, Lebuh Pasar Besar, Jalan Medan Pasar, Jalan Tun Perak, Jalan Sultan Ismail, and Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.  
