Elections in March?

The Sun

The 12th general election is expected to be held in March next year, Sin Chew Daily reported on Wednesday (Dec 19).

The daily said it learnt that Umno leaders have been informed the next general election will be held in three months and its state leaders are moving into high gear in their preparations for the polls.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is known to like the numeral "3". Apart from having a "3" in his No. 13 official car registration, he announced the dissolution of the previous parliament on March 3, 2004.

It is school break from March 8 to 16, 2008 and it would not be surprising if Abdullah, who believes "3" is his lucky number, dissolves parliament and calls for election in March.

It is speculated that he will make use of the Chinese New Year open house in February to create a feel-good atmosphere ahead of the election.

The report said Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser, former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s eligibility to contest the polls (by April 2008) does not constitute a key reason for Abdullah to call for early polls.

In fact, the Barisan Nasional (BN) parties have already mobilised their machinery, including setting up operations rooms and printing posters in preparation for a snap election.

It is learnt the prime minister had, at the BN Supreme Council meeting two months ago, "hinted" to component parties to resolve problems in their respective constituencies and see to voters’ needs.

The "hint" gave rise to speculation among BN parties that election would be called in November.

Considering the number of issues cropping up that could work against the BN, it is quite likely that Abdullah might want to hold the election before the situation worsens.

But ruling out January when the prime minister will be busy launching the Sabah and Sarawak economic regions and attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland; and February, in which Chinese New Year falls, the most likely time for the premier to call for election will be in March.
