Pakistan: Musharaf asked to resign at gun point

Written by Kazi Mahmood

World Futures

Pakistan’s President Parvez Musharaf was asked to resign at gun point but resisted thanks to a lack of support for a coup against him by his opponents in the army, a source told World Futures. The source added that the President does not have much time before a real army revolt is staged that could lead to his eviction soon.

The source did not say who was behind the armed request to Musharaf to resign but it is clear only a top army General who has access to the president was behind the attempt. The aftermath of the attempt prompted Musharaf to declare to the press that with or without uniform, the army will be always behind him. This is an indication that the latest foiled attempt on the life of Musharaf was during the peak of the debate in Pakistan over the future role of the president in Pakistan’s politics. It was during the month of November this year that Musharaf declared he will leave his army post but insisted that the army will be with him in whatever circumstances.

However, the information gleaned from the source in Pakistan is indicative that this was not the case and that the army was more than willing to get rid of Musharaf as soon as possible.
The source said it was obvious that the army was now cut from the general public due to its support for the embattled president. The unpopularity of Musharaf is damaging the image of the army and this is a dangerous situation for a country that depends on the armed forces to keep its territory united.

