Hindraf ‘hijacked’ by opposition

New Straits Times

Opposition politicians have hijacked the Hindu Rights Action Front (Hindraf) and are now proclaiming themselves as saviours of the Indians, a senior MIC official said.

"They have hijacked it and are going around throwing all kinds of accusations at the MIC and the government," said MIC Youth chief S.A. Vigneswaran.

"Is the opposition really worried about the state of affairs of the Indians, or is it trying to win support for the coming elections?"

Speaking at the start of a nationwide roadshow by the MIC Youth movement here on Friday night, Vigneswaran said the opposition kept saying the MIC had not done anything for the Indians.

"You mean, for 50 years, the MIC did not do anything?

"If this is true, why didn't these so-called heroes do anything all this while?"

The roadshow is to explain to the youth members the current issues and what needed to be done.

Vigneswaran said the MIC acknowledged that the community had some chronic problems, such as in the area of education opportunities and also the relocation of estate workers. He said the MIC was trying to resolve these problems, but nothing could be done overnight.

"We also need more statistics on the problems facing the Indians so that we can bring them up with the government. This is now a priority for us."

He said the youth wing wanted to compile a list of problems in every area so that relevant action could be taken.

"I have told all youth members to go on to the ground and gather all the information they can get and fax it to state youth secretariats daily."
