MIC to counter false claims

The Star

We will fight back! That’s the stern message given by MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu to quarters who make baseless allegations against the party. 

He said the party would adopt a new approach to quash false allegations that the party had not been helping the Indians. 

“The old trend (of the party) is that we keep on working without boasting about our contributions to society especially the Indians. 

“The new trend will see us fighting against our adversaries to prove them wrong. 

“If they give false news, we will immediately correct them, complete with all the particulars of what we have been doing.  

“We are not going to keep quiet any more because we’ve been quiet for the last two months and allowed people to say whatever they want,” he told reporters after meeting branch and divisional leaders from the state MIC at Hotel Equatorial yesterday. 

Samy Vellu said it was wrong for some Indians to say that the community had not achieved any progress for the past 50 years. 

He said it was a baseless allegation because the Indian community had achieved 60% of progress and the MIC would continue with its work and struggle to achieve a 100% progress for them. 

Samy Vellu also said the MIC would set up constituency service centres (CSC) at 11 MIC divisions in Penang to complement duties carried out by the division and branch leaders. 

He said, among others, the centres would monitor the needs of the Indian community and identify areas where Indians are still living in poverty. 

Samy Vellu said similar centres would be set up in other states. 

“I have instructed MIC secretary-general Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam to send out letters on Monday to the division chiefs on the setting up of the centres,” he said.  
