The sad plights of migrant workers…

WE’RE LIVING LIKE DOGS ? Sad, but according to the Malay Mails' report, it happened to a group of pitiful migrant workers from Bangladesh!

Not wanting to rub salts on their wounds, but I believed, even the dogs have better living conditions. For further details, please read HERE.

Somethings are just not right when the irresponsible agents charged them RM 15K to bring them to Malaysia without securing the promised jobs and left them stranded without any money. I had yet to come across an irresponsible employment agent being prosecuted in the court of Malaysia ! Even if some of the "lucky" migrant workers managed to get jobs, their employers underpaid them, pay them nothing, and withold their travel documents. According to one migrant worker, “In my contract, it was stated that we would get RM800 a month but we ended up getting only RM400. From that, RM100 was deducted — as work levy….Every time we questioned our boss, we would be beaten.”

