Paranjothy’s Remarks Of Little Importance, Says Zam

(Bernama) — Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin said today the people should give little importance to the remarks by Gerakan Youth vice-chief S. Paranjothy because there were more people with a rational mind in the Barisan Nasional (BN) component party who could make themselves heard above him.

He said the leadership of every BN component party was always sensitive of those whose actions and words went beyond the confines of the BN principles and tradition.

"When there exist such people, the party leadership itself realises the danger of their action and they are seen by the party as undesirable.

"This has happened in all parties and every party leader who gives importance to BN principles will act to weed out those regarded as a threat to party solidarity and unity of the Malaysian people," he said in a statement.

He was commenting on Paranjothy's racially sensitive remarks against Umno which has resulted in Gerakan initiating disciplinary action against its Youth vice-chief.

Zainuddin said that in matters such as these, Umno itself had taken similar disciplinary action since the time when the party was under the leadership of the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the country's first prime minister.

"In Umno itself, there have been voices which sought to have MCA dismissed from the then Alliance for the massive defeat it suffered in the 1969 general election.

"Nevertheless, more evidently, Umno leaders are prepared to condemn and act against extremist groups within the party to the extent of becoming unpopular in the party. This may happen less in the other component parties," he said.

The minister said this had happened not only during the time of Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad but it continues to happen even now, for example the tolerance shown by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi which was, at times, disliked by some Umno members.

"In fact, the BN has the strength to stand by its principles and not be swayed by racial pressure in any situation because of importance to the BN is the interests of all the component parties and not just of the respective parties," he said.
