Bloody ceramah: Investigate and charge provocateurs

Harakah Engish Section 

If the police are as efficient as they seem to be in crowd control as opposed to fighting daily crimes like robberies, snatch thefts, mugging, rape and juvenile delinquency, our Malaysia will be a much safer place to stay and invest.

The recent bloody ceramah in Terengganu just goes to show that the ruling elite will stop at nothing to hang on to the seats of power. The Federal Reserve Unit, which seems to be a unit which specializes in crowd control instead of helping the main units of the Police force to eradicate crime, has now taken instructions from the higher ups in the line of authority who in turn get some form of political inspiration from everyone knows who.

If the Government of the day is not taken with the claims of the opposition, it should not be too worried by the opposition's rallies to inform and explain to the people their rights as citizens of this country. It is only when there is something to be disturbed about that drastic measures are taken to quell the crowds that support opposition rallies.

The current Administration fears the fact that the opposition now has a former deputy prime minister on its side and his revelations on how the government works from the inside and how funds are spent without thinking how hard it is for the masses to pay it as taxes, is going to cause a dent to the ruling elite's majority in the coming elections.

Power coming from the barrel of a gun will only cause more anxiety and suspicion on the sincerity of the Government to see to the welfare of the masses. The exposes of massive corruption by the alternative and the Internet based media is getting to the people and the results of this is being seen in the large numbers that turn out to hear what opposition leaders have to say.

Inflated prices of goods and services that are ordered by government departments and agencies which have been highlighted by the Auditor-General's Report goes to show the blatant abuse of government funds which only enriches a chosen few at the expense of the masses.

The Income Tax and the Customs Department are quick to enforce the law and paint a bad picture of tax, excise duty, sales & services tax defaulters but are not able to answer queries from the media and public when mismanagement of funds are shown on their side. This is basically stealing from the masses to enrich a chosen few in the name of the law.

If the government claims that the opposition are the initiaters of the riot between the Police Federal Reserve Unit and the masses that came to listen to the rally then, it should be proven in a court of law which decides on facts and evidence. But knowing our courts, that is just a dream. If the opposition is allowed to carry out its rallies without any police interference, occurrences like what happen in Terengganu will not surface.

We claim to be a democracy but the opposition has to go to the police to get permits to organize and speak to the masses, but if it is in the reverse, the ruling government and the party apparatchiks, can simply hold any function as they see fit. No questions are asked as it is seen as the inherent right of the Government of the day. The police are therefore just seen as security robots as oppose to government servants whom the masses can trust.

If the police are as efficient as they seem to be in crowd control as oppose to fighting daily crimes like robberies, snatch thefts, mugging, rape and juvenile delinquency, our Malaysia will be a much safer place to stay and invest. But as the stakes seem to show, our police are super efficient when it comes to quelling political dissidents but highly inefficient when it comes to tackling and reducing daily crime.

Malaysians need to understand that for the opposition to work effectively in this country, the people's continued stand on their right to assembly and association must be kept up to send a clear message to the ruling elite that the masses are no pushovers.

The current administration might have very bright ideas for the future of this country but all of it is only feasible if the main issue which retards development i.e. corruption is thoughtfully eradicated. Unless and until the government is really serious about tackling issues like the RM 3.00 curry puff which it pays for a puff which only costs between 30 to 50sen in the common market, all said is just mere lip service in the hope of continued ignorance from the masses so that it can continue its governance for as long as it wants.

Bailouts and continued unearthing of scandals is only making the already fed up masses grow more impatient to see some change and some voices being heard for the abuses to stop and life become more liveable for the common Malaysian. It is all the hands of the voters, we deserve the government that we get. Lets not have this being said to us this time around.

P.Dev Anand Pillai
