‘Even Ansari’s seat not decided’ claim

(Daily Express) – Kota Kinabalu: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has not decided on the number of seats to contest in the coming general elections, the party Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan's political secretary Kanul Gindol said Thursday.

He said any announcement on seats to be contested would be a deviation from agreed policy of the PKR's top leadership that the State Steering Committee under Jeffrey is the top-policy making body on policies and election candidates, as far as Sabah is concerned.

Kanul, who said he was speaking in his personal capacity, was commenting on Sabah PKR liaison chief Haji Ansari Abdullah's statement on Wednesday where he announced that the party would be contesting 40 State and 20 Parliamentary seats in Sabah.

"What Ansari Abdullah stated in his news conference must be his personal opinion.

We must put our beacon of hope at the right spot."

Kanul also said that far as he knew there was no such decision also as yet to field Ansari or anyone else in a predominantly Kadazandusun Parliamentary seat like Tuaran.

"This announcement by Ansari could mean many things on him and the Party.

Many are alarmed at his words because we understand that there was not yet a decision by the Steering Committee as to stand in only 40 State seats and 20 MP seats," Kanul said.

He also claimed there had been a move to omit the party's KDM and Chinese leaders in negotiating with the DAP on fielding candidates in these areas.

"How on earth can this be when the very thing we want to negotiate is Chinese and KDM seats like Api Api, Kapayan, Tamparuli, Liawan and even Kuamut where DAP has also shown interest in fielding candidates?" he asked.
