Allah is not the monopoly of Muslims

In the Philippines, the word "Allah" was used to unite the Muslims and Christians, primarily the Catholics. In the eastern region of Poland, bordering Russia, the word "Allah" appeared in some of the old churches and Hindu temples.

Haji Mustapha Ong

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I think all of us should stop the discourse on the sacred word. Please don't get me wrong as I am not anti-this and anti-that, but as a fellow devotee of Almighty God, there are certain things that God will not allow us to politicise in order to apply its usage and ideas, in the political process to perpetuate the rule or destroy any nation. Remember only Almighty God holds the right to all our existence in this world and the world hereafter.

Why should we compare the usage of the nomenclature "ALLAH" as already clarified by RPK in his recent comments from the editorial's perspective? I hope others too will share my views and interpretation.

Based on my personal experience in Indonesia, Philippines and Poland (before liberation), the word "Allah" had been widely used in all their house of God. In Indonesia, all the identification and signages at the churches used the word "Allah", though it compliments the national concept of "Pancasila" approved by the Parliament. In the Philippines, the word "Allah" was used to unite the Muslims and Christians, primarily the Catholics. In the eastern region of Poland, bordering Russia, the word "Allah" appeared in some of the old churches and Hindu temples.

So, for Malaysia, what's the big deal if we dare to include the word "Allah" into our national concept to further enhance the spirit of "RUKUN NEGARA" for the sake of national unity and nation building in this multi-national, multi-religious and multi-culture Bangsa Malaysia? I appeal to Pak Lah and his "thinkers" in the spirit of Islam Hadhari approach towards a progressive Islamic Civilisation and also repeal our Rukun Negara with the words "Allah" to go with the times, which had been revolutionised by modern religious and interfaith approach. It's not a question of twisting our fitrah in Islam but only to maintain peace, tolerance and stability amongst all people of the universe who believe in the existence of GOD/GODS in their own interpretations.

I am prepared to hold a national dialogue, if given the opportunity in the name of Allah s.w.t. To those out there, I appeal to all readers to maintain our right senses and not to express our thoughts with emotions, as people who speak with emotions are sometimes out of tune. It's our right to express whatever is in our heart, but do not expect others to share your view, and when being challenged, it's best to maintain silence in order to shut the other's mouth with diplomacy in the essence of matured and civilised communication.

This is not a cowardice act as many will be quick to jump to that conclusion.
