Kuala Trengganu – important for PR and UMNO-led BN (also Najib…)

Kuala Trengganu by-elections is important for both the UMNO-led-BN and also the Pakatan Rakyat…

It was an UMNO seat – won by a small majority.

Since the General Elections in March 2007 – when Pakatan Rakyat broke the BN two-third majority in Parliament, and became government in 5 States, the people have had the opportunity to see the Pakatan Rakyat in action when in the driving seat. Has Pakatan Rakyat performed as was expected in governing the 5 States? Are they different from the BN – or is it just a case of new persons in the leadership roles of government.

Has the Barisan Nasional that did badly in the General Elections reform itself in accordance to what Malaysians wanted? Or is it just the same 'un-reformed' BN – the only change maybe is that there will be a new PM after March 2009. Has there been improvement in the relationship with the other component parties in BN? Oh, is it still UMNO say jump….everyone else is expected to jump. The continued detention of HINDRAF 5 despite calls for their release coming from some of the BN leaders in other than UMNO component parties shows that nothing much has changed. The non-renewal of the Catholic Church's permit to print in Bahasa Malaysia is also an indication of 'religious persecution' or a curtailment of religious freedom amongst minority religious groups, and it is interesting that the same person who appeared so 'mean' may be BN's candidate…

 Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh, in an interview with Reuters yesterday, said the government was "still reviewing" The Herald's licence and was following "due process".

"Until Dec 31, we are not going to announce anything. There is plenty of time. Let them wait." – New Straits Times, 18/12/2008 –  Catholic weekly made to wait for renewal permit 

I wonder whether it was all planned so that fight for votes will be showing who is more Muslim – UMNO (BN) or PAS (Pakatan Rakyat).

READ MORE HERE: http://charleshector.blogspot.com/
