Kula: My term as Ipoh councillor ended, I did not resign

(The Star) – The MP for Ipoh Barat, M. Kula­­segaran, has not been reappointed as an Ipoh City councillor.

“How can I quit the post when my term as councillor expired on Dec 31. I am not a city councillor any more,” said Kulasegaran in refuting an English daily’s front-page report that he had quit.

Kulasegaran said the speculation came about because the Perak Government was slow in announcing the new list of councillors.

“We (councillors) would have preferred appointments to have been made by mid-December,“ he told a press conference at Wisma DAP yesterday.

Present were DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang and state DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham.

The daily had reported yesterday that Kulasegaran, who is also Perak DAP deputy chairman, was not happy with his position as a councillor.

On whether there were differences between him and Nga, Kulasegaran said: “We may not agree on certain issues but policy-wise we are together and I am bound by party decisions.”

Asked whether he was disappointed that he was not appointed as a deputy mayor, Kulasegaran said there had been talk that he was eyeing the post.

Pressed further, Kulasegaran said he would leave the appointment to the party.

“Personally, I feel it is necessary to have a deputy mayor to assist the mayor as the mayor is bogged down by many administrative duties,” he said.

Ngeh said that in any organisations including DAP, there are bound to be differences in opinion.

But it was not as bad as portrayed by the daily, he said, adding that the state would announce the new councillors soon.
