No phantom voters, says EC

Reports by SAODAH ELIAS, R.S.N MURALI and NG SI HOOI (The Star)

KUALA TERENGGANU: The Election Com­mission has refuted allegations that the strong police presence in the city is an indication of phantom voters appearing on polling day.

Commission deputy secretary (operations) Datuk Nordin Che Ngah said only those listed in the gazetted electoral roll would be allowed to cast their votes.

“Political parties are always making this allegation. We have repeatedly explained it would be next to impossible for non-registered voters to take part in the by-election.

“Anyone who is registered can vote, irrespective of where he or she comes from. This person is not a phantom voter as he or she has been given the right under the law to vote,” he said at a briefing for the media yesterday.

He said based on previous experiences, tho­se accused of being phantom voters by political parties were just outstation supporters of a certain candidate or party.

PAS had claimed that the strong presence of the police force in the city since late Saturday was an indication that Barisan Nasional would be bringing in phantom voters on polling


Speakers at PAS’ ceramah in Ladang said the police, which had set up observation posts at key points in the city, were there to protect the outsiders expected to be brought in by Barisan.

Nordin said the number of registered voters for the Jan 17 by-election was 80,229, or 96 fewer from the roll used in the March general election. Nomination day is tomorrow.

He said the smaller number of voters was due to deaths or change of voting constituencies by some.

Nordin said the commission would bring in more than 800 staff members for the by-election.
