What will happen to patients like Hashim when Sime Darby takes over?

On the eve of the Government making a decision on the hiving off Institut Jantung Negara to Sime Darby Bhd., there is a story that deserve the attention on how the life of someone who has contributed immensely to society is being gambled because of the demands of capitalism supersedes the importance of making a social and humanitarian decision.

Hashim Hussain “Prof” Yaacob, was a former senior lecturer of sociology and developmental economics at USM for years, throughout its formative and developmental stage, till he was unjustly and abruptly terminated and dismissed by then Vice Chancellor Dato’ Musa Mohamad. Hence, he lost his pension and all the medical benefits a senior government servant usually enjoy for the rest of their lives.

Now at 60 and suffering from acute diabetes, he is diagnosed for acute triple arterial blockages, between 95-100% and due of coronary arterial by-pass graft surgery (CABG or “cabbage”) at IJN on Monday. That is something that will easily cost slightly more than RM 50,000.00.

Hashim does not have that kind of money. Infact he has no savings. Since the dismissal, Hashim, who is single and never been married, has been doing odd jobs and projects on adhoc basis, to earn a living.  A simplistic man who practices the socialistic life he professes, he now face a juncture where the system might not have social justice after all. The challenge for the moment is how can he raise that kind of cash, in less than seven days.

READ MORE HERE: http://bigdogdotcom.wordpress.com
