Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Rakyat reach out to the Chinese voters

DAP hosted a Chinese dinner last night and very kindly extended an invitation to the Barisan Rakyat team.

The near 99 percent Chinese diners had an array of excellent speakers to prime them on the numerous reasons why they should not only vote for Pakatan, but also go out and take the same message to friends and relatives.

And of course, the man of the moment, Pakatan candidate Wahid, was there, humour and all.

Strikes you as the kind of person that is easy to like immediately.

As he came in well after all the other speakers, it was good that he did not get into the same issues that other speakers had touched on. He just sort of bantered with the diners, giving them an opportunity to see a very likeable person.

RPK was powerful. He drove the point home that the Chinese had settled in Terengganu for more than 200 years. Well before UMNO and Dr. M were conceived. Enough, then, of the race politics that has pagued our nation for so long. Time to dump UMNO and BN into the South China Sea, he urged.

