As race tightens, every vote counts

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider

The Pas campaign raised concerns today about voter fraud and the heavy police presence for the Kuala Terengganu by-election, in an indication that every vote will count in what is becoming a very tight race.

"Since nomination day, we are satisfied, but we will continue to assess the situation on a day to day basis," said the party's election director Datuk Mustafa Ali.

"We will find out more on the polling day," he said.

Both campaigns are now expecting a close race with many voters appearing to have made up their minds. The campaign is now centred on who the 11per cent of Chinese swing voters in the constituency will cast their votes for.

The margin of victory in the last election was just over 600 votes, and Pas is concerned about any kind of irregularity in the electoral process.

Mustafa said he was glad the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) appeared to be serious in investigating allegations of vote buying.

He said that he had met MACC officials this morning over his allegation yesterday that some voters were paid RM500 to surrender their identity cards.

The Terengganu Pas chief however did not rule out the possibility of the crucial by-election being tarnished by incidents similar to what happened during the Pengkalan Pasir by-election three years ago.

In the hotly contested by-election for the Kelantan state seat, BN won by some 100 votes and Pas alleged that the opponent had resorted to dirty tactics as Umno leaders had planned to topple the state government where Pas was ruling with a two seat majority prior to the Pengkalan Pasir by-election.

Mustafa also hoped that the police would be professional in carrying out their duties.

"I hope their presence will not be seen as trying to intimidate the voters. And I have received an assurance from the state police chief and so far I have not received any complaints on the police," he added.

"There is a possibility that they will be used by the BN machinery, for what I don't know but we are monitoring their activities," said Mustafa.

The police have deployed 3,800 personnel for the Kuala Terengganu by-election and the IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan said the heavy police presence was due to the history of election violence in the constituency.
