Building the Future on Moral Courage


By Pat Lu, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers

There are three classes of people: 
Those who make things happen 
Those who watch things happen and 
Those who ask "what happened?" 

The caring Malaysians, who get out of their comfort zones each Sunday and who gather together in support of the Abolishment of ISA probably consider this a small sacrifice to make, when we take into account the Malaysia that we want for our children and grandchildren. It's why I am there. You have to come and see how "happening" the gatherings are. You'll never feel alone again! We are a family, a Malaysian family. Full story, visit 

More stories at

The highlight of the 13th PJ Anti-ISA Vigil:  
Listen to Rev. Fr. OC Lim on Moral Courage and Public Stand

View collage and videos of the 13th Anti-ISA Vigil below: 


More pictures at 

Watch the videos: A picture speaks a thousand words. Below are the videos where you can hear every word.  
Part 1: Barisan Rakyat Bernard Khoo and Haris Ibrahim share their thoughts and plans for the week  
Part 2: Rev. Fr. OC Lim on Moral Courage and Public Stand 
Part 3: Peter Chong conveyed a message from YB Sivarasa MP of Subang in support for the abolishment of ISA

Stand up and be counted in your own special way for the sake of all Malaysians and your children too. See you this Sunday, 8.00pm at MBPJ! 
PAT LU, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers, a Malaysian Voluntary and Advocacy Group. 
Join Pahlawan Volunteers at 
Anti-ISA PJ Vigils Video Archive:  

