This is what the UMNO Mandors ie MIC is clamoring about

Read the report below by Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy and digest what many Malaysian Indians face in their day to day lives. 

There is no legislative definition of systemic marginalization or discrimination. What we see is a result of direct or indirect widespread practices, laws or attitudes which, when viewed superficially, seem neutral and sometimes acceptable. However, these practices, laws or attitudes are precisely the cause of the entrenched inequality and disadvantage experienced by certain groups of people in our society.

Similar to PKR's efforts against the government controlled spinmasters, similar to you and I in this platform in the cyber world, we need a permanent social revolution to reorganize the socio-economic development of the country as well as the structure of the society.

We do not have an ulterior motive nor is there any premeditated intentions. We only seek the well-being of society as a whole and accountability for everyone. How we conduct our lives should be based on our own individual sensibilities to better ourselves; and in doing so, make society better. We cannot keep expecting others to change if we do not start with ourselves.

So let's take a stand rather than still playing the role of "lalang" and face the truth and do what you think you should do for humanity.

R. Shan (Human being)
