Rough Similarities between Palestine and Malaysia

I hope I am not taking a few leaps of logic when I try to point out some rough similarities here.For some of you, your great ndfathers migrated to Malaysia and cleared jungle land to build farms. Some of your relatives died of disease and attacks by gangsters or wild animals in the process, but through great sacrifices, your families manage to farm the land and manage a reasonable livelihood from it.

However, decisions taken by the Europeans (in Palestine because of their guilt in genocide of Jews) have treated you as a non-entity. As far as they are concerned, you are just some lowly being who does not deserve any consideration and they classify you as immigrants and indentured labour without any rights whatsoever.

One fine day many years later, the authorities come and drive you off your land saying you are squatters and have no right to the land. You resist, but it is hopeless. You are driven into becoming real squatters living in huts built from rusty zinc sheets and canvas. Meantime, you have lost the land, but retain the debts from money borrowed to build up your farm. You are declared bankrupt and no longer have any access to funds to start fresh.

In the meantime, your land has been given to others. They claim to be the original inhabitants since pre-biblical times. They even have an equivalent of the title of the Chosen People and they call themselves the Princes of the Earth. How can you argue against this as you only have your great grandfathers’ efforts to fall back on? Yet, you protest and resist with everything you have got, but it is useless. They have contacts with the authorities, the District Officer, the Judges and the police. Most importantly, they have contacts with UMNO, just as the Zionists have contacts with superpower USA.

Meantime, you appeal to MCA or MIC and they tell you they sympathise with your plight, but you must not resist anymore, otherwise you will be breaking the law and you will be called criminals and terrorists. If you continue to resist, MCA and MIC say they cannot help you. Some of you give up and follow MCA/MIC’s advice. Others tell MCA/MIC to go to hell and continue resisting.

You are so angry that some of the more hot headed ones start to throw stones at the people who have occupied your land. You break some property and even hit one or two of them. They retaliate by breaking the legs of a few of your family. With invalids to take care of you become even poorer. In the meantime MCA/MIC keeps calling you criminals and terrorists.

In the meantime, relatives of the people who occupied your land come to stay. (In Israel, they come mainly from the US, but in the case of Malaysia they come mainly from Bangladesh and Indonesia). Some of them manage to enjoy all the benefits and rights while you continue to live as marginalized squatters and permanent immigrants without equal rights.

You do not give up but continue to protest and resist. MCA/MIC keeps calling you to give up and behind you back keeps calling you criminals. Meantime, new laws are made to silence protest. They are called sedition laws and ISA and so forth. So now, you cannot even protest. In Palestine, the occupiers regularly (almost weekly) use hi-tech smart weapons to kill Palestinians with the excuse that they are terrorists. They also kill some babies and children (who are obviously not YET terrorists) in the process and bulldoze Palestinian homes to the ground. Luckily in Malaysia, this does not happen, the police just beat you up and throw you in jail and UMNO/MCA deprives you of a livelihood using their economic contacts and power.

In the meantime you are discriminated against in almost every possible way. It almost seems as if there are 2 sets of laws – one for the Zionists and one for the Palestinians. All their civil servants and police discriminate in the same manner in the exercise of their duties – as if there are 2 types of people – Zionists who are the Chosen People and sub-human Palestinians. The Zionists continue to use the law to steal more and more land from the Palestinians, just as UMNO cronies use the laws to steal land and oil royalties. UMNO cronies monopolise every business and service that people need in their daily lives such as electricity, communications, water, transport and banking. The situation is the same in Israel, with the exception that the stupid Palestinians do not know how to suck up to the authorities and bribe their way for lucrative contracts. Most probably the stupid Palestinians are so dirt poor and primitive that they don’t know how to be contractors and compradors. The only other way to explain this is that the Zionists are really extremely cruel and brutal people and do not give the Palestinians even the slightest chance to be economically independent. Their culture forces them to destroy even the goats and sheep of their defeated enemies, at the risk of punishment from their pre-biblical gods if they fail in their extreme cruelty test, if they fail to be the Chosen People and get contaminated by the germs of the rest of humanity.

Meantime, you continue to resist in your own miserable way and they continue to exercise overwhelming power in retaliation – you throw stones and they break your legs and turn you into invalids. I worry that one day, they may get fed up and try and remove you altogether as the Zionists recently try to get rid of Hamas.

Of course not all the comparisons above make sense as I am just being naughty, just as the support of some of you for the Zionists do not make sense, as you resist out of pure spite. I guess in this particular way, you are very similar to the Zionists which means birds of the same feather flock together.


– By batsman
