Coalition of Malaysian NGOs Against Persecution of Palestinians

A group of concerned people have formed Coalition of Malaysian NGOs Against Persecution of Palestinians and will be launching a ' Save the Palestinians' campaign on the 18th of January. We appreciate the involvement and participation of more NGOs and concerned individuals.

The event will be held at the Bangsar Sports Complex, Jalan Terasek 3, Bangsar on the 18th of January. The tentative program includes, photo exhibits, documentaries screening, talks by leaders of various faiths and a personal account of life in Gaza by a Palestinian doctor.

The objectives of this coalition are:

  1. To create an awareness of the history of the Palestinians and their plight, among the Malaysian public
  2. To get the support of the Malaysian public, regardless of race and religion
  3. To exert pressure on Malaysian and foreign governments and the media to highlight and work on solutions to this crisis
  4. To raise funds for the Palestinians, especially those in Gaza.


Telephone: 016 2094500
Email: [email protected]
