A tale of two systems (with Mandarin Translation)

Malaysia is a country with two laws — one for Barisan Nasional and another for the opposition. I suppose this is not surprising when we have two classes of citizens — Bumiputeras and Pendatangs.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There is one rule for Barisan Nasional and another for Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat needs a police permit to organise ceramahs. However, when they do apply for one, the police reject the application on ‘technical’ grounds.

Many opposition ceramahs during the ongoing Kuala Terengganu by-election campaign are, therefore, classified as ‘illegal assemblies’. Nurul Izzah Anwar has been summoned to the police station for her ‘statement to be recorded’ because she spoke in a ceramah that did not have a police permit and, therefore, was regarded as an illegal assembly.

Umno does not suffer this same problem. Umno ceramahs are not only allowed but the police even provide outriders to escort the VIPs to these ceramahs. Opposition ceramahs too have a heavy police presence. But the police are there to instruct the opposition to end their ‘illegal assemblies’, or else……..

DAP and PKR have been told to take down their flags. DAP and PKR, according to the Elections Commission, are not contesting the election. Therefore their flags should not be put up. Only PAS flags are allowed.

Umno, MCA and MIC are also not contesting the election. Barisan Nasional is. But Umno, MCA and MIC flags can be put up, alongside the Barisan Nasional flags.

When JERIT organised the cycling expedition recently, the police took action and arrested the participants because, according to the police, it is against the law to use children for political purposes. But Umno and Barisan Nasional not only can use children for politics, but can use them for election campaigning as well.

Malaysia is a country with two laws — one for Barisan Nasional and another for the opposition. I suppose this is not surprising when we have two classes of citizens — Bumiputeras and Pendatangs.

Children are very much in the thick of the campaigning (Photo by Choo Choy May, The Malaysian Insider).

Umno flags at the Menteri Besar’s residence even though Umno is not contesting the by-election.




国 阵是一个规矩,而民联则是另一个。民联需要警察的准证来开演讲会。而当他们去申请的时候,警察就以技术上的问题拒绝了他们。

在瓜丁补选竞选期时,许多反对党的演讲会就因此被归类为非法聚会。烈火格格已被警察传召,说要记录她的口供,就因为她在一个没有警察准证的演讲会上演 讲,因此那就是一个非法聚会。


行动党和公正党已经被指令拆下他们的党旗。根据选举委员会,这是因为他们没有在选举中竞选。所以他们的党旗是不可以飘扬的。只有回教党的就可 以。


JERIT主办最近那脚车活动的时候,警察采取了行动,逮捕了参加者,因为根据警察的说法,利用小孩子达到政治目的是犯法的。而巫统和国阵不但利用小孩 子达到政治目的,还在选举竞选上利用他们。





Translation courtesy of http://cforum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=1101596&page=48#pid54414091


Edited by Guan Sin aka Pratamad


