P.036 by-election – has the BN committed “corrupt practices”?

There is no better time for any government of the day to announce the launching of development projects in any particular constituency than the time immediately preceding a by-election in that constituency and during the ensuing campaigning period.

The people of Kuala Terengganu can't help but to feel that the Gods of developments and gifts have suddenly descended from the high heavens in the last week or so. If only by-elections could come every week than all of us could probably drown in handouts and heavenly promises.

The Barisan Nasional has suddenly bounced into actions in Kuala Terengganu. Suddenly, it found that it has the required funds and resources to develop KT and to make the lives of the KT folks better than ever. Among others, the followings are the various actions taken or promised by the Barisan Nasional to the Kuala Terengganu folks lately:

