Eeee Ezam Please..

I am completely BAFFLED as why BN still needs to use Ezam against Anwar. BN needs to be more innovative,creative and should avoid using character or personality assasination to impress upon the PEOPLE. There must be something wrong with all the political analysts and stategist if they still think the old ways work. Lets be very certain about this,”Are we STILL LIVING in the 80s or 90s ?” If not,use whatever you have in this technologically savvy world to captivate the VOTERS and win their HEARTS over. Is it that difficult..??

A newly registered Sarawak voter said to audie61,”WHAT IS THIS WITH AN OLD STORY..? Isn’t this chasing SHADOWS.? Haven’t we have had enough of Ezam. BN should be making use of Current Issues and not the Past. No wonder Anwar said,”So what..?”

In this Malaysiakini report  “So? What’s the problem? Saya tak berdamai dengan siapa (Who am I not at peace with)? What is the problem? What is the problem in making peace with anyone?” asked Anwar.

Anwar said this when met by reporters after his ceramah at Kg Kubang Ikan, Kuala Terengganu, last night. At a press conference this morning, Anwar refused to elaborate on the subject.

Our earlier report touched on ,” There are more pressing matters than the past and the people will want to know what TOMORROW CAN BRING and not WHAT WAS YESTERDAYS NEWS. No clocks can be turned back as we can only use HISTORY TO GUIDE US.

Today we say,” Ezam are you stucked in the 1998 TIME WARP..?” That is yesterdays news and Anwar was then not even the opposition leader.

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