KT voters, we need your help!

If BN wins this time, there will be no change in the Malaysian police system. Everything will stay the same. The voices of the public will continuously be ignored by the government. BN will continue its arrogance in her various policies. What lies ahead will be the same old dirty corrupted political system of the past 51 years.

I reply as BN candidate not Pak Lah's man, says Najib (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/96167)

Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said that “BN was always committed to making changes including for the people's well-being and comfort. The party had learnt its lesson from the 12th general election in March that it should listen to the people's voices and do what they hoped it should do.”

I would like to share a few examples to show that the above statement from Najib is nothing but shameless political rhetoric.

Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Act

On Jan 5, five members from PKR's Youth wing were arrested for putting up posters of murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. Police arrested them under the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Act. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/95796)

How did posting the posters become a seditious act?

The response from Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar was:

“You can't breach the law. If they spread criminal defamation, the police should take action. In a democratic system, we should act with responsibility.”

On Jan 11, there were a series of flyers with cartoons attacking the opposition de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim. One of the cartoons, entitled “Jauhi Diri Anda dari Mat Lebong”, portrayed Anwar riding a double-headed donkey with the faces of DAP leader Lim Kit Siang and PAS leader Hadi Awang. Another cartoon, entitled “Welcome to PRK Permatang Pauh” portrayed Hadi Awang and PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz having a conversation on a street surrounded by Chinese road signs and sign boards.  (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/96221)

On Jan 12, a second round of flyers attacking the opposition leaders again appeared in KT. One of the flyers, entitled “Siapa Anwar?” attacks Anwar on his first sodomized charge. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/96296)

Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Said later admitted that the flyers were coming from BN. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/96312)

My questions are:

Where were the police? Shouldn’t the person handing out the flyers be arrested under the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Act? Aren’t the claims of “Mat Lebong”, “Welcome to PRK Permatang Pauh”, and “Sodomized Charge” be considered criminal defamation also? Isn’t this an obviously irresponsible and double-standard action taken by the police on the opposition parties?

Illegal Gatherings

On Jan 2, there were 300 Muslims holding a rally on the streets in Penang, condemning the air strikes from Israel against Palestine. Various actions such as kicking, shoeing, and burning effigies of US president George W Bush and Israel PM Ehud Olmert were taking place. However, there was no interruption from the 20 police who were present on the scene. It was reported that the police were just directing the traffic. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/95734)

On the same day, an Umno Youth-led protest against Israel’s attack was attended by 200 people, marching to the Palestinian Embassy in Ampang. Again, the group was watched by two dozen policemen who did not take any action to stop the protest. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/95743)

On Jan 9, about 5000 protesters gathered near the United States embassy demonstrating the on-going Israeli attack. The demonstration proceeded smoothly with no interruption from the police.

And, about 200 people gathered at the Kampung Baru mosque to protest against the Israeli invasion. Some angry participants even burnt American and Israeli flags. No police personnel were on hand throughout the protest. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/96113)

Surprisingly, on Jan 10, 21 out of about 200 attendants of an anti-war vigil at Dataran Merdeka were arrested! Among those held were Parti Sosialis Malaysia leaders Dr Nasir Hashim and S Arutchelvan, PKR's Kuala Langat MP Abdullah Sani and several activists from Suaram and Jerit. About 100 light strike force personnel were present to control and disperse the crowd. The gathering was claimed illegal by the police. (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/96209)

Several questions for the Malaysian police:

Why were certain groups of citizens not granted the freedom to hold a peaceful gathering? What is the standard for the police arrests? Were all previous rallies legal? Was burning the flags of other nations justified under Malaysian laws? Wouldn’t the action pose a security risk if there were Americans or Israelis present on the scene? Was it ok for a 5000 people rally, but not for a 200 people rally? Was it simply because the 200 people rally was not organized by the pro-BN organization?

Public holidays, come back later

On Jan 10, PKR information chief Tian Chua told a press conference that the police had failed twice to issue the party with a permit to hold a ceramah. Reason given by the police was that “it was not a working day and the office was closed.”

“Can you imagine if you lost your identity card? Will they say ‘Today is a Friday and because it is a holiday, I’m not taking this report’.” Chua said.

“Chua added that under normal circumstances, for example during the Permatang Pauh by-election, party workers merely had to inform the police on the details of the ceramah and did not need to obtain a permit.”


“Holiday.” Isn’t this the most ridiculous excuse you can find on earth? You were arrested for not applying for a permit. But then, you were refused a permit since it’s a holiday.

There are endless disgraceful stories to share about the Malaysian police system. We have seen numerous insanely odd ways on how the police interrupted various gatherings, e.g. BERSIH, Anti-ISA, HINDRAF, JERIT (just to name a few), and arrested the participants. Tons of resources were utilized to capture the innocent public.

I wonder how many Malaysians, like me, have given up on the police system of the country.

Enough is enough! The citizens desire a police system of justice, not an incompetent one filled with those who know nothing but how to collect money from citizens by any means. The police should never forget on whom they depend for making a living.

BN candidate Wan Ahmad Farid has proclaimed his support with the ISA. And Najib has announced the resumption of Wan Farid to be deputy Home Minister should he win the by-election. (http://www.merdekareview.com/news.php?n=8525)

That being said, if BN wins this time, there will be no change in the Malaysian police system. Everything will stay the same. The voices of the public will continuously be ignored by the government. BN will continue its arrogance in her various policies. What lies ahead will be the same old dirty corrupted political system of the past 51 years.

Based on what has happened all these years, were it not for the by-election, BN would not be so kind as to hand out the various goodies to KT residents.

For a brighter future of Malaysians, and for a better reputation of the Malaysian police system, I urge the KT voters to slap the face of BN by voting for PAS!

Therefore, let’s imitate the calls from Dr Mahathir. Let’s put words into action, let’s fight for a reformed Malaysian police system. Let’s help Malaysians by giving PKR one step forward to become the ruling coalition. Let’s have a true “Malaysia Boleh!”

Lastly, a reply to Najib:

Based on what has happened since March 2008, I have not seen BN’s commitment in “making changes including for the people's well-being and comfort.”

What I have seen is that BN hasn’t “learnt its lesson from the 12th general election in March that it should listen to the people's voices and do what they hoped it should do.”

