Abdullah confident of BN victory in KT vote

(Bernama) — Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said yesterday he was confident of a Barisan Nasional (BN) victory in the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election on Saturday, judging from the developments he had seen on his second visit here during the campaigning.

"God willing, we can win, but we still have to work very hard," the prime minister told reporters when asked on his assessment of the by-election this time compared to his first visit last week.

Abdullah said that most importantly the BN was able to explain the issues that were raised and was able to convince the people of its capability in implementing development.

He said the party machinery should intensify efforts to convince the people here on the capability of the BN candidate, Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh, in serving the constituents.

"I know Wan Ahmad Farid. He was my political secretary and was later appointed a deputy minister as I was convinced he had the capacity to work, and work well," he said.

Abdullah also said that the Kuala Terengganu Umno Division had nominated only the name of Wan Ahmad Farid as the BN candidate for the by-election, which was a reflection of his integrity.

"The important thing is that he must work hard," he said.

The prime minister also reiterated that the BN had never resorted to vote-buying as alleged by the opposition.

"We have our strengths and we have been in politics for a long time. We know the challenges, the difficulties that we have to face in by-elections. We have our machinery, and all that we need to do is to ensure that our machinery works, and our workers and the party members do their work, and work well," he said. – MI
