Pakatan Rakyat Pengundi Luar Hotline

Call the Pakatan Rakyat Pengundi Luar Hotline at 012-6958600 (Zulfadli) or 012-9283560 (Zulhelmi) for details of transport arrangements that are being made by Pakatan Rakyat to help Kuala Terengganu voters get back home in time to vote.

Are you registered to vote in Kuala Terengganu but presently work and reside outside Terengganu?

Do you want to go back to Kuala Terengganu to vote this 17th January 2009 but are having transport difficulties?

Or do you know of friends or relatives who are registered to vote in Kuala Terengganu but are presently outside the state and would need help with transport to make their way back to vote on 17th January 2009?

If so, call the Pakatan Rakyat Pengundi Luar Hotline at 012-6958600 (Zulfadli) or 012-9283560 (Zulhelmi) for details of transport arrangements that are being made by Pakatan Rakyat to help Kuala Terengganu voters get back home in time to vote.
