Information Ministry denies making pay-offs to journalists in KT

The Information Ministry today denied making any payment to journalists covering the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election, polling for which is tomorrow.

The press secretary to the Information Minister, Hisham Abdul Hamid, said the ministry had never directed any of its officers to do such a thing.

"This has never been the practice of the Information Ministry," he told Bernama here.

The Mandarin version of the Malaysiakini portal today reported that an Information Ministry officer had given envelopes containing money to journalists covering the by-election.

Meanwhile, two journalists of lodged a police report over an allegation that they had received a white envelope containing money from an officer serving at the media centre set up for the by-election.

The report was made at 7.13pm at the Kuala Terengganu district police headquarters. — Bernama
