Quick Post from KT – morning at Ladang… PAS overwhelms BN

Did the first round of walk…. in Ladang area near the hotel…

2 polling stations – PAS overwhelms BN..

A list of “phantom voters” hanging on one of the PAS station…. Sharizat drove past… RPK got bigger cheers.

no other special incidents so far…

IT’s not about whther PAS has the numbers… they do. It’s about how much BN can “create” to cover the loss ground…. that’s what we are hunting down… the irregularities.

Barisan Rakyat gang on the ground…. more coming soon…

Read more and keep checking for updates at: http://delcapo.wordpress.com/2009/01/17/quick-post-from-kt-morning-at-ladang-pas-overwhelms-bn/
