Maimed and dead bodies’ fight for justice

In the wake of the unbelievable episode surrounding the late Mr. Kugan, several soul searching and fundamental questions surface.

Do we have to only wait for public outcries before justice is done? Do we wait till the public runs amok before accountability and transparency take effect?

Why in the world are there such acrimonious developments in Malaysia of recent? We still recall with a chilling memory how the nation's chief cop brutalized the rakyat's number two leader. And now we have to wait for the brutal death of an ordinary citizen suspect before the law sets into slow motion.

Do we have to pay this barbaric price indefinitely before justice is done? Do we have to painfully witness such heinous crimes against humanity when the police are supposed to be society's best protection?

No crook or suspected criminal of any degree should suffer pain, punishment and death even before he or she is brought to justice. And even when the courts deliver the judgment, the noose job is done with dignity.

But seeing from the photos of the deceased the so many fresh wounds, speaks of physical torture and mental agony. This does not speak well of a country that cries fowl against the G-Bay and the Gaza debacle.

No. We certainly cannot tolerate, condone or even try explaining such inhuman episodes happening within the perimeters of police detentions.

What if the citizens had not dared to barge into the mortuary that painful night? And the police certainly got their public relations all wrong by harping on this seemingly unlawful act committed by family and concerned members of the public.

The late Mr Kugan tragedy would permanently seal the public opinion about our hardworking men in blue. And would the DPM continue to plead that we must change our perception?

Please Mr Honorable Prime Minister, you cannot remain silent on this matter that touches the raw nerve of every God fearing, loyal and honorable citizen in this nation of ours. It is no more a mere police case for investigations. It is no more a mere court case for deliberation. It is not even a case of 'robber who has paid the price'. And certainly this is not a racial issue but a crime against humanity.

It has everything to do with the reputation, image and dignity of Malaysia. The nation's number one owes all Malaysians and the global community of defenders of humanity an explanation and an acceptable response.

Above all the buck has to stop right here. We cannot have another repeat of the Kugan episode.

– J. D. Lovrenciear, Semenyih
