BN convention put off

By Adib Zalkapli (The Malaysian Insider)

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 29 — The proposed Barisan Nasional (BN) convention scheduled for Feb 14 has been postponed, according to component party sources, citing logistical problems in getting some 2,000 delegates from all component parties to attend.

However a BN component party leader said the postponement was due to the Umno party election scheduled for March and the party’s defeat in the Kuala Terengganu by-election.

“Some in Umno are worried that component party leaders will say a lot of things against Umno at the convention, and blame it for everything,” said the party leader who declined to be named.

“There will be contradictions in what should happen at the convention and what will happen at the Umno assembly,” he added.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the postponement of the convention would be discussed at the Umno supreme council meeting this evening.

The convention, announced by Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi late last year is aimed at assessing the behemoth’s decline since the March 8 General Election, which saw BN lose its traditional two-thirds parliamentary majority and go on a downward spiral since.

All 13 leaders of BN component parties were expected to give a presentation at the convention.

The Prime Minister when announcing the decision to call the convention after an Umno Supreme Council meeting said the ruling coalition has been listening to the people’s grouses and was ready to respond.
