Did Tony’s “lie” on Malaysiakini.com helped buy time for his Labu airport?

The biggest mistake of my life, and to be fair to this guy, is (when) Khairy Jamaluddin’s team came to propose sponsoring the MyTeam (football project). Honestly, it was the biggest mistake of my life.

Some papers reported Air Asia's Labu Airport proposal as rejected after their meeting with Najib on Friday. However, The Star reported that Minister of Transport Dato Ong Tee Kiat as saying the decision will be known in two to three weeks time. It seems Najib has 'rejected' the proposal but Ong is trying to buy time.

A day earlier, Tony Fernandez went on the offensive in his Malaysiakini.com interview. He is tried to distance himself from Khairy by claiming regret for sponsoring MyTeam and tried to sell himself as a victim. He went on a rampage to repeat his claims or more accurately lies of the unfair playing field and advantageous situation of MAS. He claimed he didn't asked for the Rural Air Service (RAS). To justify his need for his own-operated LCCT, he went on to spew lies and bad mouthed Malaysia Airport Berhad.

