No to ISA or Stop Abusing the ISA?

By Pat Lu, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers

PDRM and riot police came to disperse the 17th Anti-ISA Vigil held on 1 Feb 2009 at MBPJ. The vigilers then proceeded to Lotus Restaurant opposite MBPJ, but were told to disperse too. Watch Videos:

Part 1: PDRM came in full force at MBPJ 


Part 2: PDRM at the entrance of State Cinema / Lotus Restaurant 


DSP Ong Kiap Leong and I had a chat. In a nutshell, DSP Ong

  1. Explained that our country still needs ISA for national security reasons (against foreign invasion);
  2. Agreed that the police force could be put to better use to battle crime (instead of dispersing peaceful vigilers and watch them have supper after) and;
  3. Agreed that ISA should not be abused by politicians.

We said a short prayer together before I left – for peace and harmony, for wisdom and clarity to prevail and for everyone to do the right thing for the sake of our country and our children. 

However, DSP Ong left me with a lot to think about. There may be much taken for granted. Here are some questions and thoughts .…

Are these vigils calling for the Abolishment of ISA at the cost of National Security?

Has the ISA been updated to reflect this national security objective since the time it was implemented to stop communist insurgents? Isn’t there other Acts for national security? 
Perhaps we should change the call of the candlelight vigil to “Stop Abusing the ISA” since we all know that it’s really about the abuse of ISA by politicians. Then perhaps vigilers will get the permit to hold peaceful vigils entitled “Stop Abusing the ISA” till the balance of 46 ISA detainees are released or at least get a hearing.

The “higher authorities” who gave the orders to disperse peaceful vigils should be sacked for abusing their positions, abusing the system and the laws enacted meant to safeguard the nation. If PDRM follows orders, are they guilty of the same crime? Who checks the police force?

Who is the check and balance? There is an obvious black-out in the mainstream media on all Anti-ISA Vigils. Who is the highest of authorities to check these higher authorities? Can our King intervene?

For me to ask these basic questions only shows how far gone our ethics, values and our humanity are. No one is safe anymore. Law of the jungle rules.

After much thought, my personal stand on this issue (the ISA as being used by the politicians) is still this .…

  1. Every person has the right to a fair hearing and should be deemed innocent unless proven guilty.
  2. Detention without charge and with no recourse to defense or appeal is a violation of a basic human right and repugnant to all religious doctrines.
  3. Too much power is concentrated in too few hands without any check and balance.
  4. The ISA has been abused all too often for political persecution under the guise of National Security.
  5. In the 21st century, there should be no room for such an archaic and repressive law.

(As stated in the Cause: Stop Fascism, Abolish ISA, Free All Detainees
delCapo also had a serious chat with DSP Ong. Here’s his story and reflections – 010209 PJ Candle light vigil – sbotted  
More stories and pictures: 
Mesra Rakyat Ended On Different Note Despite The Same Outcome – The Whisperer 
Anti-ISA Folks to SB: Your Protection is Highly Appreciated – Paradise Storm 
Anti ISA Vigil Distrupted Yet Again – My Thoughts My World 
第17次反恶法聚会-警方用大炮赶蚊子?– I am Eve 
Outside the Lotus Restaurant last night – Anil Netto 
See you this Sunday, 8.00pm at MBPJ! 
PAT LU, Co-Founder, Pahlawan Volunteers, a Malaysian Voluntary and Advocacy Group. 
Join Pahlawan Volunteers Group at Facebook
Anti-ISA PJ Vigils Video Archive
