Money, Money, Money

For those who think that money can buy everything and everybody, you are only half correct. There remains the other half that is either rich enough to spurn such offers or possesses sufficient fortitude and grit to rebuff it. Additionally, there are those clever few that gratefully accept your monetary offers but do otherwise anyway.

Perak is lost, accept that! There is no way that the Sultan will back down and neither will the BN government, the Law be damned. Our PM-elect regards this coup as one of his highest achievements, the other being the ousting of the current PM, and it may very well be so. Perak was a lost cause from the very beginning. The slim majority made the state government untenable and the different ideology of its three coalition members made it ultra vulnerable. Anybody with half a brain would have expected the BN party to make a move on it. A few frogs in the making would have been all it will take to force a change in the state government and this has become reality.

As the second largest state in Malaysia and with a population of approximately two million comprising of 54% Malay, 31% Chinese and 13% Indian, it has always been a predominantly Chinese enclave with its populace placing Chinese lawmakers in at least 30% of the 59 available state seats, regardless of party affiliations. The population of Indians in Perak is also higher than the national average of 9.5% and they make up almost a tenth of the state government. With the newly royal-sponsored state government, this traditional average has fallen to merely two Chinese politicians (1 MCA and 1 ex-DAP female dog) and zero Indian politicians.

Will the people of Perak tolerate this? The answer is yes, not because they desire so but because it has been forced down their throat, royally sanctioned. Will the people of Malaysia permit this debacle to happen? The question is moot because it has already occurred, royally sanctioned. Will the Word of Law allow this illegitimate government to continue? This question will never see the light of day until the existing state and federal governments are ousted because no Court of Justice will be convened to undertake this task. Will justice persevere in this Land? The answer can and will be found after the tallying of the next state and federal elections.

To us mere peasants, it might look like it is the end of the world where the Law can be ignored and the Royals can do whatever they please without the need to account for it. “Don’t worry, we will not marginalize you Chinese and Indians”, so said the new royal-endorsed administration. What those words meant was that they will take no further action (now) against the minority races other than what the NEP outlines. As for those freehold land titles, you can kiss them goodbye. All this for want of a Toyota Camry.

The people of Malaysia are not blind or deaf. Neither are we ignorant and stupid. For the half of us that remains true to our calling, the determination to refuse acceptance of enticement will be strengthened. Yes, we will need to be doubly strong now because there can be no longer any assistance from the Palace, impartiality be damned. For those sitting on the sidelines, do stand up and be counted! If you do not think that it is your business, then think of your family and of your children, and how it will be if this crime is left to propagate in the future. If the message is not sent across to the architects and engineers of this coup, it will become their modus operandi forever whereby the Law can be ignored and a democratically elected government can be arbitrarily dismissed.

Having said so, it is also up to the PR hierarchy to give us a valid reason to support them. Their selection of candidates in the last elections was abysmal. Other than the few party stalwarts that we have come to trust in the past, the rest of the gang are unknown factors. The squabbles between the leaders of these coalition parties are also uncalled for. Show us a united front and a political party that is above all this pettiness. Show us that Pakatan Rakyat had the mettle to lead this nation of ours in the right direction. Show the inequitable Royalty that there is in actuality an alternative option other than BN and show the world that money cannot buy everything and everyone.

 – Hakim Joe
