
To be honest, I think BN has played the events in Perak recently brilliantly, albeit suspiciously. The planning was so perfect that PR was caught dumbfounded with no counter measures.

Complacency was PR’s failure, and BN with its foresight, use this to its advantage. All PR states is still overwhelmed with this feel good factor after the March elections that they put the administration of the states in the back burner. Instead, they reward voters with land titles, handouts and such and argue over petty matters.

While this is going on, Perak PR seems to have forgotten the slim majority it held. All this talk of cross over by Anwar did not help either. The general feeling is that BN assemblymen will sooner or later join PR. They forgot that PR assemblymen could join BN too.

I cannot find any words to describe this Hee, but this must be painful for DAP and it serves them right. Instead of solidifying its base in Perak, DAP squabbles over trivial matters such as wearing the songkok.

Now, these two dubious characters from PKR, well, they had the entire PR fooled. It is not surprising that all these corruption charges are being orchestrated by BN to find sympathy for their two Trojan horse in PR. The charge of corruption against these two had the entire PR throwing support to these two fucks and this is what BN expected.

It is now only a matter of time to make the next move, but BN knows very well that this is not enough. So they throw in a some sweetener to PR in the form of this Nassarrudin chap. And it worked like a charm.

The feel good factor is even better now for PR. They gloat about this while BN is gleefully smiling. BN now had Perak in their pockets. How they had this Hee bitch and the timing of it, I do not know, but this bitch just incarcerated herself for a Camry, if that’s the case.

Chinese New Year seems to be the perfect time to checkmate PR. While PR is still sleeping, abracadabra, BN takes over Perak. However humiliating it is, being vacated from the office, it is Pakatan Rakyat’s own doing.

Now, Perakians will have a state government that they did not vote for. And to these voters who have voted PR, this is what you get when you voted a bunch of idiots that do not have the foresight and who got their priorities all screwed up.

Earlier calls to dissolve the state assembly to hold fresh election to solidify PR’s state government in Perak were ignored. Over confidence, arrogance or still feeling good had PR so blinded that they lost it and with it, goes the wishes of the majority of Perakians.

Remember the much mentioned CAT? Competency, Accountability, Transparency? Sorry-lah, since PR cant even hold on to Perak, how competent can you be? And how are you going to answer to those Perakians who have voted for you? Tidur-kah?

This must serve as a wake up call to all PR states and for goodness sake, please start running the administration entrusted to you by the people. With hindsight, hopefully Pakatan Rakyat will have the foresight in the future.

Kenneth Wong

[email protected]
