Cops stop pro-monarchy protest against Karpal, Khir Toyo detained briefly

(The Malaysian Insider) – Penang police detained Datuk Seri Dr Mohamed Khir Toyo, the former Selangor mentri besar, after breaking up an illegal protest by Umno members here today.

Protesters had planned to march to DAP politician Karpal Singh's house but dispersed after police threatened to arrest them.

Mohamed Khir and a local Umno youth leader were picked up by police after leaving the scene of the protests.

They were taken to the state police headquarters for questioning and released later.

It is not clear if they will face any criminal charges.

Mohamed Khir had planned to lead the march to Karpal's house.

Karpal has become a focal point of Umno protests ever since he threatened to take the Perak ruler Sultan Azlan Shah to court over his role in the current political impasse in Perak.

Sultan Azlan Shah had denied consent for Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin's Pakatan Rakyat (PR) administration in Perak to dissolve the state assembly after three seats were declared vacant by the state Speaker.

Instead, Sultan Azlan Shah invited Barisan Nasional (BN) to form a new state government, in a controversial move which PR leaders say is unconstitutional.

Since then Umno youth groups have been organising a number of small protests around the country in an attempt to whip up support from conservative Malays against PR leaders, especially Karpal.

Last week, Khairy Jamaluddin, who is contesting the Umno Youth chief's post in next month's party elections led a 1,000-strong rally in Ipoh against PR.

Mohamed Khir, who is also contesting the same post, tried to emulate his rival today but unlike in Ipoh, police put a stop to it.
