It is public knowledge that PM Badawi has said many times that he will revert back to the time tested mode of open tender to carry out high value public projects. Recently it was announced that our old Subang Airport will have a new lease of life as an airport terminal when a RM 40 million renovation work is completed sometime in the middle of this year . But where is the public invitation to tender for this project ?

As part of a scheme to alleviate the chronic daily and hourly traffic jam in the Klang Valley, PM Badawi has also confidently announced a few years ago that the present LRT network will be expanded to cover the high density population areas. Until now, we have not seen any public invitation to tender for this multi-billion urgently required project. But we have seen reports that certain companies like Gamuda Bhd are already lobbying for the job. What is going on ?

As a representative Rakyat and an ordinary representative contractor of our society, we have to conclude that what we heard about PM Badawi speech to go back to open tender was merely an election gimmick. To us who took his words seriously, it was a sad and utter disappointment, not unlike awakening from a very bad dream .

How to get rid of money politics ? No need to disband UMNO Youth or  PUTERI Wings . Just go for open tender by an independent professional body. We do not need men with brains of rocket scientists to get rid of money politics. We need men who will pay the price to carry out their noble and honorable intention.

We have now another piece of the mass of convincing evidence that BN will not reformed. Any reason why we should not support PR ?


Moses Lim
11 Jalan 21/144A
Taman Bukit Cheras
56000 KL
